Mass Registration Drive (MRD) – Stage 1 for Bronze Certificate

eCares Online Registration System: Preparing for Stage 1 Conditional Registration (Bronze Certificate)


Introduction: The DBE’s online registration system, known as eCares, is currently available for Gauteng and will soon be rolled out to the rest of the country. This process is divided into three stages:




Preparing to Register: To ensure a smooth registration process, please follow these steps:

  1. Device Requirements: Registration can be completed on a computer, laptop, desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  2. Review MRD Information: Thoroughly read the MRD information documents that are linked at the bottom of this page. The DBE online registration link is included in the information sheet (or you can click on the picture at the top of this page to get there).
  3. Save Contact Information: Add the eCares Registration Bot telephone number to your phone contacts – it must be the phone that you will use during the registration process. The number is provided in the MRD Information Sheet. You will need it during the process.
  4. Contact the eCares Registration Bot: Open WhatsApp and send a “Hi” or “Hello” message to the bot’s telephone number that you saved in point 3. above. Follow the prompts for further instructions.
  5. Required Documents: Ensure you have the following documents saved on the device you will use for registration:
    • Certified copies of the ID/passport for every staff member, yourself, and Board members (if your ELP is an NPO).
    • A completed Form 30 for all the individuals listed above (Form 29 is not required).
    • These documents should be saved as separate files, named appropriately to identify the individual (e.g., “ID Jane Doe,” “Form30 Jane Doe”).
    • Facility Photograph: A photograph of your facility with children present may be uploaded, but their faces must not be visible.
  6. Lists of Information that will be required in Stage 1:
    • Highest ECD qualification per staff member.
    • Staff email addresses and mobile numbers.
    • Children’s information, categorized into the following age groups:
      • Birth to 18 months
      • 18 months to 3 years
      • 3 to 4 years
      • 4 to 5 years
      • 5 to 6 years
    • For each age group, gather details on:
      • Number of males and females
      • Males and females receiving the Child Support Grant
      • Males and females with special needs
      • Number of staff per age group
      • Total number of children per age group
    • There are links at the bottom of this page to useful Excel tables that you can use to gather the information.
  7. Health and Safety:
    • Review the MRD Health Norms and Standards. It is worth noting that you can apply for Bronze (Stage 1) without these things being fully implemented, but, on the registration app, you need to commit to fully implementing them before you receive your site inspection in Stage 2 when you’re going for Silver.
    • Familiarize yourself with the Health and Safety questionnaire. Don’t fill it in on paper because it will be completed online during the registration process.

Proceeding with Registration: Once all preparations are complete, you can proceed with the registration by going to the DBE’s registration portal. Once in the portal you can follow the instructions and register now.

Final Note: The DBE is committed to making the registration process supportive and achievable for everyone. Everything is going to be fine… gather the necessary documentation, and we’ll proceed confidently.

Links to Documentation:

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